

他们是你的父母、祖父母还是兄弟姐妹? Quite possibly, they are a missionary, pastor, or another minister of the Gospel. 你怎样被鼓励持守真道? 你会付出什么来支持福音向前发展?

NOBTS和Leavell学院预备仆人与基督同行, 宣扬他的真理, 来完成他的使命.


  1. Explore and select where to give and how to invest in a way that matches your desired level of involvement.
  2. Commit to giving monthly, quarterly, annually, or through your estate plans.
  3. Receive exclusive communication, invitations to events, and more as part of our donor family.


给NOBTS的一些最有价值的礼物 & 利维尔学院是不受限制的捐赠.


While the Seminary is committed to holding down the rate of tuition increases, it also pledges to maintain the highest standards of educational excellence. 神学院每天的运作费用约为6万美元. Meeting our annual 普罗维登斯基金 goal makes possible a balanced tuition structure while delivering first-class theological training.

The students, faculty, and staff rely on the personal support of alumni and friends. You can help them remain on track by donating to the 普罗维登斯基金.



Recurring Monthly Sustainer Friends may join with a dollar a day or $30 per month. 校友可以给他们的研究生年(e).g.2004年,他将捐赠20美元.04). 教职员工可以设置每月工资扣除. 每月的保持者会收到独家的神学院更新.


在全世界最慷慨的日子里, you can make NOBTS and Leavell College part of your end-of-year giving plans with a gift on 周二给.

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Maybe you have benefitted from someone’s generosity and would like to help spread the joy of their actions to others? 春节送礼日 opens the opportunity to come together to support the educational, spiritual, 以及在校宝盈APP登录和未来毕业生的个人经历.




There is no greater calling for a Christian than the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20.  Do you have the desire to invest in the lives of those called to full-time ministry? Explore five ways you can engage with NOBTS and Leavell College to prepare servants of Christ.




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Your forever investment in the Kingdom through the work of NOBTS and Leavell College.

Now & 后来-捐赠和无限制礼物之间的区别.

We want to help you learn the difference between endowments and unrestricted funds and how NOBTS and Leavell College use them to forward our mission. We hope the information we share helps you determine where you invest as you consider how your gift can best be used.

什么是禀赋? An endowment is an institution's invested capital that generates interest earnings to be used, 永久, 为其使命提供资金.

禀赋的作用是什么? 由你指定, 捐赠基金支持奖学金, 教授职位, programs, buildings, 和技术. 如果你对投资感兴趣,但不确定从哪里开始, the unrestricted endowment that supports seminary operations is a worthy investment.

Hundreds of friends and alumni have added to the Seminary's endowment through the years to provide permanent support. Today's seminary students benefit from the endowment gifts of previous generations.  The future of NOBTS and Leavell College is now being created by the establishment of endowment gifts today.



NOBTS is strategically positioned in New Orleans by the Southern Baptist Convention.

There is no better place to learn how to share the Gospel and make disciples of all nations than in New Orleans, 美国最兼收并蓄的城市之一. 基础板 members understand the importance of sustaining the Seminary’s work in New Orleans. They give generously to their endowment through their annual commitment of $5,以保留这项技术, buildings, 还有尽可能完好的地面.


Dr. 克里斯Townson
Vice Chair
Dr. 杰瑞磅
Mr. 本·汉弗莱斯
Dr. Larry Lyon
Dr. Mike Wetzel


  • 捐款人荣誉名单上的公认会员
  • 季度通讯和基金会董事会Facebook小组
  • 邀请年度基金会理事会晚宴及会议
  • 在年度会议上介绍并投票选出新成员
  • 基金会理事会成员赠予
  • 总统圣诞晚宴的邀请


To begin, 请填写这张调查表, 我们的先遣队会和你联系.

You may also request a paper copy of the form by contacting the Office for Institutional Advancement at (504)816-8224.

Legal Name: 宝盈集团bbin基金会

Tax ID #: 72-6033670

Address: 温柔大道3939号.LA 70126,新奥尔良


Partner with NOBTS and Leavell College in the furtherance of God's Kingdom.

The 疯狂的社会 recognizes and honors alumni and friends committed to the future of NOBTS and Leavell College through their wills and other planned gifts. The 疯狂的社会 was named in honor of the first President Byron Hoover DeMent, 1917年,他被邀请领导新奥尔良的神学院.


  • 捐款人荣誉名单上的公认会员
  • 全年各种通讯
  • 政府部门协会年度午宴邀请*
  • 在年度午宴上介绍新成员
  • 德门特协会会员礼物


每年10月, we hold the annual 疯狂的社会 Luncheon to bring together DMS members, 神学院的领导人, and current students to celebrate our members' investment and commitment to the future of NOBTS and Leavell College.


如果你有兴趣成为部门协会的一员, 请填写这张调查表, 我们的先遣队会和你联系. 

You may also request a paper copy of the form by contacting the Office for Institutional Advancement at (504)816-8224.

Legal Name: 宝盈集团bbin

Tax ID #: 72-0494592

Address: 温柔大道3939号.LA 70126,新奥尔良



Commemorate your Seminary experience or honor loved ones who helped you along the way.

Commemorate your Seminary experience or honor a loved one with a 遗留的砖 or Premium Paver placed in Leavell Chapel’s Legacy Plaza. You may want to pay tribute to a special person who was a mentor to you during your time at NOBTS. Whatever the reason, the 遗留的砖 Project helps you preserve those memories and inspire new ones.

In 2017, the 基础板 of NOBTS and Leavell College generously donated the funding for the cast bronze seal. This gift allows a majority of proceeds from 遗留的砖 purchases to immediately go to the 普罗维登斯基金, which positively impacts operational excellence and mitigates tuition and fee increases.

2024年5月31日之前,Classic 遗留的砖可享受25%的折扣

8“X 4”经典传统砖

You can honor your faith hero with a classic red brick to be installed on Legacy Plaza, 位于利维尔教堂前. 您的砖块可能包含三行个性化文本. You may wish to pay tribute to a graduate, mentor, pastor, parent or father of your faith. Many alumni have purchased a brick commemorating their graduate year or field of study. 你的砖和贡品将代代相传. 砖的成本是250美元.

8“X 8”高级传统摊铺机

你可能想买一台高级摊铺机. Your paver will be placed adjacent to the bronze seal, the centerpiece of Legacy Plaza. 这款摊铺机的尺寸为8英寸× 8英寸,售价为1000美元. 这是向你的信仰英雄致敬的好方法. 铺路机的数量有限,所以不要延迟购买.


当你购买一个遗留砖或高级铺路机, you can commemorate your donation with the purchase of a customized certificate of dedication. 每个证书的费用为15美元,并邮寄给您宝盈集团bbin装裱. Each certificate is a reminder of the legacy you have placed as tribute to your faith hero.